5,339 research outputs found

    Islamistische Gewalttaten in Westeuropa

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    Dieses Open-Access-Buch behandelt die Frage, wie und warum es dazu kommt, dass Menschen schwere islamistische Gewalttaten, etwa in Form terroristischer Anschläge oder gewaltsamer Hasskriminalität, in Westeuropa begehen wollen. Das im Rahmen des Buches entwickelte Erklärungsmodell nähert sich der Beantwortung dieser Frage in zwei Schritten: erstens wird erklärt, wie und warum Menschen überhaupt bereit werden, im Namen einer Ideologie zu töten. Die allermeisten Menschen, die sich hin zu einer solchen Gewaltbereitschaft radikalisieren, begehen allerdings keine Gewalttat. Daher wird zweitens dargelegt, unter welchen Bedingungen diese ideologiebasierte Gewaltbereitschaft in einer konkreten Gewalthandlung in Westeuropa gipfelt. Das entwickelte Erklärungsmodell wird im Anschluss empirisch überprüft. Der Fokus richtet sich dabei insbesondere auf die theoretisch formulierten Bedingungen der Tatbegehung. Diese Annahmen werden am Beispiel realisierter oder geplanter islamistischer Gewaltstraftaten in Westeuropa zwischen 2000-2013 getestet

    Eurasian autumn snow link to winter North Atlantic Oscillation is strongest for Arctic warming periods

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    In recent years, many components of the connection between Eurasian autumn snow cover and win-tertime North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) have been investigated, suggesting that November snow cover distri-bution has strong prediction power for the upcoming Northern Hemisphere winter climate. However, the non-stationarity of this relationship could impact its use for prediction routines. Here we use snow products fromlong-term reanalyses to investigate interannual and interdecadal links between autumnal snow cover and atmo-spheric conditions in winter. We find evidence for a negative NAO-like signal after November with a strongwest-to-east snow cover gradient, which is valid throughout the last 150 years. This correlation is consistentlylinked to a weak stratospheric polar vortex state. Nevertheless, decadal evolution of this link shows episodes ofdecreased correlation strength, which co-occur with episodes of low variability in the November snow index.By contrast, periods with high prediction skill for winter NAO are found in periods of high November snowvariability, which co-occur with the Arctic warming periods of the 20th century, namely the early 20th-centuryArctic warming between 1920 and 1940 and the ongoing anthropogenic global warming at the end of the 20thcentury. A strong snow dipole itself is consistently associated with reduced Barents–Kara sea ice concentration,increased Ural blocking frequency and negative temperature anomalies in eastern Eurasia

    Islamistische Gewalttaten in Westeuropa

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    A Unified Approach for Improving QoS and Provider Revenue in 3G Mobile Networks

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    In this paper, we introduce a unified approach for the adaptive control of 3G mobile networks in order to improve both quality of service (QoS) for mobile subscribers and to increase revenue for service providers. The introduced approach constantly monitors QoS measures as packet loss probability and the current number of active mobile users during operation of the network. Based on the values of the QoS measures just observed, the system parameters of the admission controller and packet scheduler are controlled by the adaptive performance management entity. Considering UMTS, we present performance curves showing that handover failure probability is improved by more than one order of magnitude. Moreover, the packet loss probability can be effectively regulated to a predefined level and provider revenue is significantly increased for all pricing policies

    Diagenetic incorporation of Sr into aragonitic bivalve shells: implications for chronostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental interpretations

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    Aragonite is easily altered during diagenesis, therefore presumed pristine when present. In effect, beyond polymorphic transformation to calcite, alteration paths of aragonite remain poorly understood despite heavy reliance on such material to produce palaeoenvironmental and chronostratigraphic interpretations. Previous work on core material from Southern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, showed that unlike their calcitic counterparts, seemingly unaltered aragonite shell fragments invariably produced older than expected 87Sr/86Sr ages. In this study, we pursued additional analyses of these aragonite shells and of the porewater of the core to understand this discrepancy. Aragonite mineralogy was reconfirmed and elemental mapping of shell fragments revealed growth lines within the middle layer suggestive of good preservation. The outer layer, however, showed anomalously high Sr concentrations (average 4·5 ± 0·6 mole% SrCO3; ca 25 mmol mol−1 Sr/Ca) and was depleted in 18O and 13C compared to the middle layer, both features inconsistent with pristine material. The δ18O values and Sr concentrations of the porewater were used to model outer layer compositions reasonably well. Coincidentally, porewater Sr isotope composition was in general agreement with the age model of the core only at the aragonite‐bearing interval suggesting that Sr‐isotopic disequilibrium between porewater and the carbonates was the rule rather than the exception in the core. The Sr isotope compositions of the aragonite shells are most likely the result of early diagenesis as suggested by the inconsistent O and C isotope compositions between shell layers and the anomalously high Sr concentrations. We conclude that knowledge of Sr concentration and distribution in shells is critical to determine the viability of Sr stratigraphy and the scale at which it may be applied. Reliance on traditional indicators of lack of alteration, such as cathodoluminescence, Mn‐Fe concentration, and the presence of labile mineralogies to assert chronostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental questions may produce erroneous conclusions due to obscurely altered material.Compositional map of Sr over BSE image and representative SEM detail overlay from a Miocene aragonitic Retrotape andrillorum bivalve, Southern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Signs of apparent good preservation, such as the presence of growth bands and the preservation of crystalline structure and mineralogy, appear in contrast to anomalously high Sr concentrations. Results suggest that relying solely on traditional methods to rule out diagenesis may in some cases lead to erroneous conclusions due to obscure alteration patterns.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113152/1/dep23.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113152/2/dep23-sup-0003-AppendixS3.pd

    Type I and type II interferon responses in two human liver cell lines (Huh-7 and HuH6)

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    AbstractMost studies investigating the biology of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) have used the human hepatoma cell line Huh-7 or subclones thereof, as these are the most permissive cell lines for HCV infection and replication. Other cell lines also support replication of HCV, most notably the human hepatoblastoma cell line HuH6. HCV replication in cell culture is generally highly sensitive to interferons (IFNs) and differences in the IFN-mediated inhibition of virus replication may reflect alterations in the IFN-induced antiviral response inherent to different host cells. For example, HCV replication is highly sensitive to IFN-γ treatment in Huh-7, but not in HuH6 cells. In this study, we used microarray-based gene expression profiling to compare the response of Huh-7 and HuH6 cells to stimulation with IFN-α and IFN-γ. Furthermore, we determined whether the resistance of HCV replication in HuH6 cells can be linked to differences in the expression profile of IFN-regulated genes. Although both cells lines responded to IFNs with rapid changes in gene expression, thereby demonstrating functional type I and type II signaling pathways, differences were observed for a number of genes. Raw and normalized expression data have been deposited in GEO under accession number GSE68927

    Model Checking Contest @ Petri Nets, Report on the 2013 edition

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    This document presents the results of the Model Checking Contest held at Petri Nets 2013 in Milano. This contest aimed at a fair and experimental evaluation of the performances of model checking techniques applied to Petri nets. This is the third edition after two successful editions in 2011 and 2012. The participating tools were compared on several examinations (state space generation and evaluation of several types of formul{\ae} -- reachability, LTL, CTL for various classes of atomic propositions) run on a set of common models (Place/Transition and Symmetric Petri nets). After a short overview of the contest, this paper provides the raw results from the contest, model per model and examination per examination. An HTML version of this report is also provided (http://mcc.lip6.fr).Comment: one main report (422 pages) and two annexes (1386 and 1740 pages

    A Pilot Study of Postoperative Animal Welfare as a Guidance Tool in the Development of a Kidney Autotransplantation Model With Extended Warm Ischemia

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    Background: This pilot study aimed to maintain acceptable animal welfare in the development of a porcine autotransplantation model with severe and incremental renal ischemic injury, a model for usage in future intervention studies. Secondary aims were to develop and test methods to collect blood and urine without the need to restrain or use sedative and avoid transportation to optimize welfare of the pig. Methods: Kidneys from 7 female pigs were subjected to incremental durations of warm ischemia (WI) 30, 45, or 75 minutes by left renal artery and vein clamping. After static cold storage, contralateral nephrectomy was performed, and the injured graft was autotransplanted and animals observed for 14 days. Animal welfare was assessed and recorded using a structured scoring sheet before and 4 days after the kidney autotransplantation. Furthermore, blood samples were drawn daily the first week and every second day the following week using a semi-central venous catheter. An ostomy bag around the genitals was tested for urine collection. Measured glomerular filtration rate was calculated using renal clearance of chromium-51-labeled ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid on day 14. Results: None of the 7 animals died during the follow-up. The animal welfare was moderately affected when applying 75 minutes of WI (n = 2), and for that reason WI was not further increased. Pigs with lower WI had no observed welfare issues. With 75 minutes of WI peak, plasma creatinine was 1486 and 1317 µmol/L, reached on day 4. Lowest glomerular filtration rate levels were observed in the pigs with 75 minutes of WI. Conclusions: WI up to 75 minutes caused the intended severely impaired renal function without significantly compromising animal welfare. Blood and urine was collected postoperatively without sedation of the pigs or use of a metabolic cage.</p

    Nestemäisten jätteiden vastaanotto ja käsittely Tarastenjärven jätekeskuksessa : Selvitys vaihtoehtoisista menetelmistä

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    Nestemäiset jätteet ovat erilaisia loka-autoilla kuljetettavia jätteitä, jotka koostuvat nesteestä ja kiintoaineksesta. Tällaisia jätteitä ovat esimerkiksi hiekan- ja rasvanerotuskaivoista imetyt nesteet sekä teollisuudessa syntyvät jätevesilietteet. Nestemäisiä jätteitä ei ole Valtioneuvoston päätöksestä enää vuoden 2002 jälkeen saanut sijoittaa sellaisenaan kaatopaikkapenkkaan, vaan ne on tullut esikäsitellä nesteen poistamiseksi. Tähän asti nestemäiset jätteet on käsitelty Tarastenjärven jätekeskuksessa painovoimaisesti erottelemalla. Menetelmä on ollut toimiva, mutta on päivityksen tarpeessa. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena olikin tutkia erilaisia vaihtoehtoja nestemäisten jätteiden vastaanotolle sekä käsittelylle Tarastenjärven jätekeskuksessa, sekä arvioida eri vaihtoehtojen kustannuksia mikäli mahdollista. Myös tarvetta haitta-aineiden, kuten metallien ja öljyjen poistamiselle tutkittiin. Työn laatimisessa hyödynnettiin olemassa olevaa tieteellistä kirjallisuutta sekä asiantuntijahaastatteluja. Työn tilaajana toimi Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto Oy. Selvitystyön tuloksena kävi ilmi, että yleisimmät menetelmät nesteiden ja kiinteiden ainesten erottamiseen ovat painovoimainen erottelu ja suodatus. Painovoimaiset erottelijat ovat useimmiten kiinteäseinäisiä altaita, joissa kiintoaines laskeutuu painovoimaisesti altaan pohjalle ja pinnalle jäänyt kirkastunut neste ohjataan ylivuotona jatkokäsittelyyn. Kiintoaineksen ollessa kevyempää kuin vesi, se erottuu nesteen pinnalle. Suodattimien toiminta taas perustuu puoliläpäisevään suodatusmediaan, joka päästää nesteen läpi, mutta jättää kiintoaineksen suodattimeen. Suodattimet voivat olla esimerkiksi paineistettuja tai painovoimalla toimivia. Geotuubit ovat eräänlaisia paineistettuja säkkisuodattimia, joita on käytössä myös jätekeskuksissa. Useissa käsittelymenetelmissä käytetään apuna myös saostuskemikaaleja, jotka edistävät kiintoaineksen erottumista nesteestä. Haitta-aineiden osalta helpoin ratkaisu on poistaa ne kiintoaineksen mukana ja käsitellä ne pilaantuneiden maiden kanssa jätekeskuksessa. Mikäli haitta-aineet ovat nesteessä liukoisessa muodossa, voidaan apuna käyttää saostuskemikaaleja, kuten alumiini- tai rautasuoloja. Öljyjen erottamisessa olisi mahdollista hyödyntää öljynerotuskaivoa. Kirjallisuuden sekä haastattelujen perusteella päivitetty versio painovoimaisesta erottelujärjestelmästä sekä geotuubimenetelmä vaikuttavat parhailta käytettävissä olevilta ratkaisuilta. Suurin haaste jätekeskuksen nestemäisten jätteiden käsittelyssä on kuitenkin se, että nesteiden ominaisuudet eroavat kuormittain hyvin paljon toisistaan. Tähän voitaisiin vaikuttaa jätteiden tarkemmalla lajittelulla vastaanottovaiheessa. Käsittelymenetelmää valittaessa tulee kuitenkin pohtia järjestelmän kuluja sekä hyötyjä pitkällä aikavälillä niin, että päästään parhaaseen mahdolliseen puhdistuslopputulokseen.Liquid wastes are solid-liquid mixtures such as wastes from sand and grease separation wells and industrial wastewaters. Since 2002 liquid wastes have no longer been allowed to be placed at a waste disposal site according to the decree 1049/1999 of the Finnish Council of State. Therefore liquid wastes have to be dewatered before final disposal. At the moment liquid wastes are treated at the Tarastenjärvi waste management centre with gravitational separation but the system needs updating. The aim of this study was to provide Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto Oy with different methods of liquid waste handling as well as evaluate the costs of a new system if possible. Also the need for contaminant removal was taken into consideration. The study was carried out by literature reviews and interviewing professionals of the industry. The results showed that the most common methods of solid-liquid separation are gravitational separation and filtration. Gravitational separators are usually containers in which the solid matter is allowed to separate either by sedimentation or flotation. Filters have a semi-permeable filter media which traps the solid matter but allows the liquid to flow through. Geotubes are an example of filters that are currently being used in several waste management centres. Many separation methods also require the use of polymers or flocculants to operate effectively. When contaminants are in a settleable form they are rather easy to be removed and treated with the solid matter. If the contaminants are dissolved in the liquid it might be possible to make them settle by adding aluminium or iron sulphate. Also an oil separation well could be used to separate oils from the liquid phase. Based on the literature reviews and interviews an upgraded gravitational system or the geotube method seem to be the best options. However, more tests should be conducted to see if these methods would work in practice. The biggest challenge is that the incoming liquid waste loads at Tarastenjärvi are not homogenous which makes it difficult to choose a solution that works well for all of them. The situation could be improved with more precise classification of the waste loads and handling them separately according to their characteristics. The most important aspect is to find a long-term cost-effective solution that can provide sufficient handling of the liquid wastes

    Exploring the planetary boundary for chemical pollution

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    Rockström et al. (2009a, 2009b) have warned that humanity must reduce anthropogenic impacts defined by nine planetary boundaries if “unacceptable global change” is to be avoided. Chemical pollution was identified as one of those boundaries for which continued impacts could erode the resilience of ecosystems and humanity. The central concept of the planetary boundary (or boundaries) for chemical pollution (PBCP or PBCPs) is that the Earth has a finite assimilative capacity for chemical pollution, which includes persistent, as well as readily degradable chemicals released at local to regional scales, which in aggregate threaten ecosystem and human viability. The PBCP allows humanity to explicitly address the increasingly global aspects of chemical pollution throughout a chemical's life cycle and the need for a global response of internationally coordinated control measures. We submit that sufficient evidence shows stresses on ecosystem and human health at local to global scales, suggesting that conditions are transgressing the safe operating space delimited by a PBCP. As such, current local to global pollution control measures are insufficient. However, while the PBCP is an important conceptual step forward, at this point single or multiple PBCPs are challenging to operationalize due to the extremely large number of commercial chemicals or mixtures of chemicals that cause myriad adverse effects to innumerable species and ecosystems, and the complex linkages between emissions, environmental concentrations, exposures and adverse effects. As well, the normative nature of a PBCP presents challenges of negotiating pollution limits amongst societal groups with differing viewpoints. Thus, a combination of approaches is recommended as follows: develop indicators of chemical pollution, for both control and response variables, that will aid in quantifying a PBCP(s) and gauging progress towards reducing chemical pollution; develop new technologies and technical and social approaches to mitigate global chemical pollution that emphasize a preventative approach; coordinate pollution control and sustainability efforts; and facilitate implementation of multiple (and potentially decentralized) control efforts involving scientists, civil society, government, non-governmental organizations and international bodies